Chamomile Cauliflower Soup



1/2 Ounce Chamomile (in an infuser or cheesecloth)
3 Cups Water
1 Large Head Cauliflower, cut into 3-inch pieces
1⁄4 Cup Onion, chopped
2 Celery Ribs, chopped
1 TBSP Butter
Salt, to taste (any salt will do, but try our Chardonnay Oak Smoked Sea Salt or Spanish Rosemary Sea Salt for some unique flair!)
Pepper, to taste

Our Items Needed:  Chardonnay Oak Smoked Sea Salt or Spanish Rosemary Sea , dried Chamomile


1. Boil water and chamomile in large saucepan for 5 minutes. Remove chamomile – squeezing excess liquid into the pan. Add cauliflower to the tea, cover and simmer for 15 minutes or until tender. Drain and reserve 1 cup of the liquid.

2. In small pan, sauté the onions and celery in the butter until the onions are clear. Put in a blender with cauliflower, salt & pepper, and the reserved cooking liquid.

3. Blend until smooth and serve (serves 4).

For thinner soup, add more liquid during blending; for thicker soup add less liquid during blending.

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